The Journey
Chairman - Avesh Chadee
The Hanuman Mission started off as a Mission, by a Single Individual with a Vision, who wanted to make a Difference and Serve Humanity, through Hanumanism. The Spiritual Mission started in 1993 but the Legal Journey started on Dec 11th, 2020, in Toronto, through Charitable Registration Status. That was further extended to a Legal Charity Entity in Trinidad and Tobago, in Dec 2012.
The Hanuman Mission has traversed a long, tedious, evolving and even challenging path over the pat 18 years. Even today, without a Physical Structure or Temple, we continue to Touch Lives and Make a Difference around the Globe. Our mandate has always been to Serve All, regardless of Belief or Practice, in a Respectable manner of Humanitarian Compassion.
Although we have Started and are Driven with a Hindu Philosophy, We have always Serve Everyone, without Conversion or Manipulation. We continue to Evolve, through Our Charitable Objectives, with a Humanitarian Thrust, which ensures Fostering the Ideals of Our Vision…..HANUMANISM.
Our Journey has been and continues to be a Viable, Successful and Growing Entity, matched Second to None, with Our Achievements’. Our Perspective is moulded with a Simple Goal: to Lead NOT Follow, Achieve NOT Anticipate, Change NOT Watch and Move NOT Manipulate.
As We Continue Our Journey, We are Embracing the Next Generations to take over the mantle. To Aspire to Newer Heights for the years ahead. From a Basement beginning to Community Halls rental, to Temples Usage, we have ascended to Property Ownership. Today we are the proud owners of 4 lots of land on a small mountaintop in Providence, Tobago, which was donated to us.
As the Journey continued to the next phases, we were successful to obtain a Radio Segment every Saturday morning on Radio Jaagriti in Trinidad and Tobago for the past 5 years. We were also successful as the Only Organization in Canada, to secure for the past 16 years a TV Program, called Voice of The Hanuman Mission, seen on Masala TV, CHEX 12, Rogers Digital 129, Rogers Ignite TV 141, Bell Fibe 1235 and Bell Cable 583, every Saturday morning at 8:00am. Although we have done a lot, we have much more to do. We are More than Praying.
And so The Vision continues. The Mission continues. The Man continues.